We’ve got answers, so grab a cup of coffee and read what to expect
Muller Design Co is a personalized interior design firm that heavily focuses on remodeling projects that then continue onto furnishings and decor to complete your total interior design. From start to finish, we can plan the remodel or new construction project, so that all construction decisions, furnishings and finishing touches work together. Also, Muller Design advises on exterior projects, designing from the inside out, further strengthening the complete vision of your project.
All projects move through a series of our design phases. Whether it is commercial or residential, large or small, all projects take similar steps. For instance, if you are planning to remodel your kitchen, furnish your living room, open a wall and consider the view you have outside, your project will move through the same phases as a cafe, restaurant design or office building project. All of these must go through the initial exploration, design concepts and then drill down into details, then finally execution. Some steps within each phase vary depending on the scope, but all still apply, even if you tackle parts of it yourself.
This is a challenging question if we haven't met or seen your project! Our projects are incredibly diverse and are based on your style, needs, expectations and the amount of help that you need…it’s all about you! In order to price services, consideration has to be given to how much time something will take and the resources that will be required to make it happen.
We typically consider an hourly or a fixed price. Based on our consultation, we would propose one or the other, or a mix of the two. We give pricing in black and white and we notify our clients if we are moving outside of our contracted scope. We update our clients regularly on where hours or projects stand. Also, we propose projects in phases so that our clients can choose how much or how little help they need. Phases can always be added at any time during the project.
Of course you can work with your own contractors! We have developed relationships with many general contractors and subcontractors over the years, but if you have your own professionals, we are happy to plan your project and then turn things over to them.
Yes, we do! We design all aspects of our projects when possible, with some exceptions. We do not call out structural or commercial occupancy calculations. In such case, we can call upon some of our favorite, valued professionals to fill in the gaps and work their magic. In some instances, we are invited on architectural and engineering projects, and then we focus on the interior environments, while they focus on their true craft.
Yes we do! We have a small showroom and about 50+ favorite vendors in the trade. We invite our clients to shop with us or anywhere they want. We then help pull it all together in-house, online or even in person. When we use our own sources, we have created a fair and balanced system. We call it Fair Market Value. This means, we will sell for the same basic price you can find it online (always excluding non-reputable sellers, clearance/discounted and scratch and dent pieces). Thus, we honor fair market prices and pass them along to our clients. We always compare the identical item, apples, to apples, which gives our clients the confidence to know they are getting a fair price for a piece, in addition to having our design help in the process. This also alleviates hours of our client’s valuable time to exhaustingly research the internet for fair deals and avoids many of the common vendor and shipping problems and confusions that occur with online shopping.
We prefer to stage and style only occupied homes, with a few exceptions. An occupied home allows us to consult with the individuals on getting their project ready for resale or live-in-ready. It also allows the advice process to be relative to the homeowner, such as which pieces to add, what to delete, and/or what to take with them to next home, etc. A completely empty space has a different set of challenges. The furniture must all be purchased or rented. We do not rent furniture. We can work with rental companies on high end projects where the budgets allow for the planning and budget of rentals, or in some cases, purchases, as in model homes.
Yes! We do gallery walls. Gallery walls are a fun and rewarding feature in any project! We can just advise, or help with the entire process. Our clients gather their favorite shots, digitally or in print, and we can advise on frames, order, sizing, what works and doesn’t. We can continue with ordering, sizing, coloring and manipulating images, frame orders and hanging, or just advise our homeowners on how to continue with their progress.
Depending on our current workload and commitments, small projects and one-time consultations may be available. Just send an email with exactly what you’d like to cover in a consult and timeframe. We will get back to you with availability. Minimum consults at your job site are 2 hours each plus travel time.
Yes we do! Color consults can be super quick, with a designer coming out with paint decks and making one visit and then, leaving the final decisions up to you. We can also order large paint swatches to be sent to you. Additional consultations are available to you as well, as sometimes a second visit is required to test actual paint samples, look at several for comparison, make sure that paint color are transitioning well from room to room, especially in open concept areas and or look at paint swatches with fabric or furniture. Some of our clients choose to visit the showroom next, as after a first visit and initial selections are made, your designer can expand upon the ideas first described, with tons of swatches at their fingertips. Also, follow up meetings might be for charting details for your tradesman which can be essential for overall execution.
We totally love and respect DIY’ers! (Some of us fall into this category ourselves!) We are happy to consult on your project on visual or technical elements. Many DIY’ers use our services to create a full-blown concept and they get into their own detail…such as do their own research, shopping, selections, builder correspondence and more. We just help you pull the idea together! The initial concept can include, but isn't limited to floor plans, sketches, concept materials and materials, concept lighting plans, and more. We can also help you continue your journey with site visits to check on your progress and help you make further decisions.
During the Concept Phase, we might sketch, create multiple floor plans, and discuss the scope of work. Therefore, we are able to communicate the direction of your project before it even begins. Doing your project in phases, allows us to create a direction where you feel involved in the outcome of your project, each step of the way. Sometimes, dislikes are communicated here at the Concept presentation, and that is perfectly welcome! It is a chance to get to know you even better before work gets underway.
Good design is essentially planning! Whether you do it, or an interior designer does it, good planning sets you up for more success in your endeavor. When a contractor bids your project, they are inevitably analyzing the direction of your project and what unforeseen costs they may have. But if the project is truly thought out, it can save your thousands in fees, estimates and construction delays. Also, contractors that feel clients have professional design guidance often bid more solid proposals and clients are more inclined to get multiple competitive bids. Designers can also help prioritize spending, directing funds where they will really make an impact, and going more basic on things that don’t. And last but not least, designers have a knowledge base in the field that is practical and can make on the spot suggestions on how to save money or headaches. Priceless.
For starters, really determine the scope of your project before you start your research. Your project will most likely be heaviest in one of these categories at least to begin:
remodel or new construction decisions
finishes, furniture, fabrics, pattern and color
finishing touches such as decor, staging and styling
Lots of designers have beautiful photos and they literally take your breath away. But it isn’t always clear what role the designer had in that outcome. Often there is an amazing room, but the designer promoting the image maybe only accessorized, or picked color or fabric, or did drapery or furniture. But other designers might have done all of that, plus worked with the builder on all of the construction decisions, finishes, changed window sizes, reworked floor plans, opened up rooms, laid out the kitchen, created lighting plans, called out trims and moldings, reconfigured the bath and more!
When interviewing a potential designer, really clarify their services, talents AND what they don’t do. Make sure your type of project is in their wheelhouse. Just because they say they can do it, doesn’t ensure that they have the experience, resources, programs, vendors and manpower to save you time and money. We recently replaced another designer on a project because the former designer could not produce drawings, rework plans, create lighting plans, work with the contractor on decisions during build-out, and more. Because the designer was not properly vetted for the scope of the project, the client was forced to pay the architect and other professionals for every little decision, adjustment and phone call, and then wait weeks for answers and huge bills. The right designer can remedy this. Select carefully.
Once the scope is solidified, and the designer’s skillset has been determined, be sure you receive estimates for services upfront. Typically, this can be done after a full consult. It is unrealistic to get an all-in price over the phone. Too many variables exist, and every project is different. As you negotiate this process, you’ll get a pretty good feel for the designer’s level of professionalism, work methods, attention to detail, communication style, how information gets presented and organized, response time, etc. You should feel comfortable with their knowledge, skillset and style of business. This field is creative, but it requires the balance and structure of day-to-day business.
If you are ready to book a consultation to discuss your project, please contact us here telling us about your project. We like to understand as much as possible about your project before we touch base personally, so don’t be afraid to be lengthy. Just tell us what you can about your project, what you are looking for from a designer, your location and your timeframe for the design work. We will take it from there! The meeting typically happens at your home or office, or it can be at our showroom/ studio.
If we think we are a good fit for your project, and we have an opening, we can establish a consultation date and time. We need 2 focused hours to discuss your project. All homeowners or business owners must be present. We need to hear all decision maker’s ideas and opinions. This helps the project get off to a great start and allow the designer to weigh all of your priorities. this also gets everyone on the same page and moving in the right direction. We will also discuss at this time the parameters of your project, your lifestyle or business goals, wishlist and much more. We then tour your space and discuss your expectations and preferences. After this meeting, an estimate will be sent to your for our services.
Prior to your consultation, it is a good idea to make a wishlist for your considered project. It is also helpful if you save some pin boards and gather visual ideas to share with us. We tell all of our clients that we don’t take your ideas too literally and just use as a basis to guide us, so don’t be afraid to share. We have many of our own ideas but we must get an initial feel of your design style in order to begin your project. Budget will also be discussed at this meeting. Although you may not have a concrete idea of what items will cost, at this point, we are at least able to give you some project averages and an idea of resources needed, which can help guide you in your budget planning and pace in which you proceed with the project.